Monday, July 3, 2017

VBS Times Forty-One!

We recently completed VBS at the church I am privileged to Pastor.  This is one event that I truly look forward to each year because I believe it has the potential to influence the next generation for the cause of Christ.

Over the years, I have seen much of the recommended program change to keep up with "contemporary" tastes, but it intrigues me that some of the old things still seem to keep the kids excited.  We currently enjoy video presentations, interactive stories, and extensive decorations to keep the kids focused upon the message.  Yet, closing out each night with competitive singing of "Hallelu," remains a favorite with the kids of all ages (and many adults as well).

VBS is a time for the preacher to "let down his hair" and act a little crazy in front of the kids.  Personally, I think this is good for the kids to see the preacher as a person, and it's also good for the preacher not to take himself too seriously.  It's a time where many different members of the church family can overlook their differences and work together for a common cause.  In my many years of being a Pastor, I have been blessed by many good folks that were willing to go the extra mile to make VBS a success.

It is intriguing to me that young people who were in VBS in the early years of my ministry now have kids of their own, and a few even have grand-kids.  I have received a number of kind messages from some of these folks that wish we could recapture some of those by-gone experiences.

Over the years the technology has advanced tremendously.  The program and organization has become much more user friendly.  The publishers have become much more attuned to help churches put on a successful program.  Yet, one thing is unchanged if VBS is done as it should be done, Jesus must be the focus of all that is done.  Once again we were blessed with a number of young people who professed their faith in Jesus as Savior.  Mere entertainment without a spiritual challenge is just high tech babysitting.

I find that I move a little slower physically, but my passion to challenge young people with the Gospel is still strong.  I don't know how many more times I will be able to do my part in VBS, but the focus must remain for us to make much of Jesus!

 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." (Hebrews 13:8)

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