Wednesday, May 28, 2014

God's Gift of Uncertainty

Once again, during this past week, a professing believer in Christ made the decision to end his life.  There were many factors in play that led him to this fateful decision, but I found myself again wondering if I could ever fall into such a state of despair that I felt this was a valid choice.  One thing I have concluded in this life is that those who loudly proclaim that they would never do a particular thing are often the very ones who are prone to act upon that which they decry.

When I was a young man and preacher, I often felt that I could rival the Oracle of Delphi with my astute knowledge and understanding.  As I have grown older, I realize just how little I really grasp about the wisdom and purposes of God as He works in my life.  I truly believe that God is being gracious to us when He does not reveal the entire future to us.  Had God shown me all that would come to pass, I might have been tempted to overlook the moments of true joy, blessing, and happiness.  I may have only focused upon the times of struggle and heartache that would exist in my pathway, and instead of following God in daily faith, I may have been tempted to give up on God's best for me.  I have found it to be true that blessings are often born out of the ashes of difficulty and despair.

At no time does God promise an easy journey through life, nor does He reveal all of the details of what the future will bring.  In fact, Scripture tells us that at present we cannot see the present or future with total clarity, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (I Corinthians 13:12).  We will probably never see the whole picture of life until we come face to face with the Lord Jesus.  The Bible also reveals to us that God provides just enough light for our path to keep us progressing, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psalms 119:105).  God provides just enough light to reveal how to take the next step in our pilgrimage of faith.  We should never become frustrated that God does not show us more of the future, rather we should trust His wisdom in leading us in a way that does not cause us to abandon our purpose for living.

This coming weekend it will be a joy to get together with some old and dear friends.  Over the years, we have all had our share of joy and desperation, but God has been faithful and He has never led us astray.  The times we find  ourselves in the wilderness of the world and the flesh are those times when we discounted the light for our path and followed our own understanding.

I am truly thankful that I cannot see all of the future ahead of me.  God gives us a wonderful gift when He leaves our future uncertain.  His promises for eternity are secure and glorious, but the full details that fill our existence between now and eternity are blessedly clouded.  The very fact that we don't know the future should drive us to trust the Savior who sees all from the beginning to the end.  When I find despair overwhelming my life, I need to be reminded that God has not deserted me.  In joy, health, prosperity, sadness, sickness, deprivation, and despair I can still trust God.  My uncertainty does not mean that God is uncertain about His plan and purpose.

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